Friday, May 31, 2019
Analysis of West Side Story Essay -- Film West Side Story Movie Essays
Analysis of West Side StoryWest Side Story came give away in 1961 as a melodramatic musical that took place in New York. It takes the same theme as Shakespeares, Romeo and Juliet, in that it is about two lovers whose blood is not accepted by others because of conflicting backgrounds. The artistic intensions of this film are implicitly stated everywhere throughout the film. All of the dancing, singing, acting and pretend trash was done thoroughly and very well, although the miking and mixing during the pretend fighting did not seem realistic. Specific actors, dancers, and singers were trained and taught how to perform in order to get the contentedness across to the audience that this West Side Story is not just a film, but a theatrical, musical, choreographed, work of art. Specific messages are portrayed in different art forms such as the way the Puerto Rican women come uped compared to the American women. The Puerto Ricans had fluffier, more brightly colored dresses than did the Americans and the Puerto Rican women made their own c dress circlehes. I lived in Mexico at last summer and in my opinion, their authentic style of clothing still has those same characteristics. The exception was maria, who was also not allowed to wear a brightly colored dress with a low cut neck because she was too young, and although she claimed to be an American girl now which would make her eligible for universe more free and independent, or shall we say sexy, she still had to wear a conservatively cut white dress. A characterization was pointed out about American women being able do more and be less conservative than Puerto Rican women. The musical selections and songs that were sung told a story and narrated the almost the entire film, as is expected in... ...remember hearing Bernardo telling Maria that when she is an old lady with five children then she could boss him around. That statement in itself also holds true to the stereotype these people usually have a lot of chi ldren and this was brought up again in the song, America, when Anita asks how she will get all of her cousins into a car.I would say the target audience for this film would be people who taste musicals, no matter their age. The time lag would only have much of an effect for younger generations who do not remember the 1960s and the discrimination and the political actions that were being taken during that time period. The film is still a classic I would say because of all of the wonderful costumes, dancing, singing, acting, and clever story telling through songs. I can definitely see why this film was a popular success then as it still is today.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
The Role of Penelope in Homers Odyssey Essay examples -- Odyssey essa
Odysseuss wife, Penelope plays a very important role in Homers Odyssey. She provides the motivation for Odysseuss return to Ithaca. She is also the center of the plot involving the suitors and the portion of Telemakos and Ithaca itself. The objective of this essay is to analyze the important role of Penelope in Odyssey. Penelope is the reason for Odysseuss return to Ithaca. He is driven throughout his entire locomote to go back and see his wife. He turns down immortality with the beautiful Kalypso to return home My lady goddess, here is no cause for anger. ... ...ohen, ed., The Distaff Side (Oxford 1995), pp. 93-115. Homer. The Odyssey. Trans. Robert Fagles. new-fashioned York Penguin, 1996. Marilyn Arthur Katz, Penelopes Renown Meaning and Indeterminacy in the Odyssey (Princeton 1991). Nancy Felson-Rubin, Regarding Penelope From Courtship to Poetics (Princeton 1994).
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Red Chevy vs Spilled Salt :: essays research papers
Rape is a crime of violence and aggression that not only hurts a dupe and the assailant for the moment, but it shatters their entire lives. Rape is defined by society as any kind of unlawful sexual activity, usually sexual intercourse, carried come on forcibly or under threat of injury and against the will of the victim. This definition has been redefined to cover same-sex attacks and attacks against those who are incapable of valid consent, including persons who are mentally ill, intoxicated, and drugged .Rape crimes ask all races, cultures, ages, and economical classes. In the chronicles of the Red Chevy? and ?Spilled Salt, rapine was the issue in both stories, though the two stories are tedious, ?Red Chevy? is better. In the sense that the two stories are alike, they fluctuate in points of view. The Red Chevy uses first person and the victim tells the narrative. There is a use of the five senses in this narrative. In ?Spilled Salt?, the story is narrated partially by th e rapist?s mother. Because the rapist?s mother narrated the tale, the imagery of this tale wasn?t intense. The stories dealt with the circumstances in different ways. In ?Spilled Salt? the mother runs away from her dilemma, she didn?t cope with it well. She had no understanding of why her son would do such a offend as rape. On the other hand, the victim in Red Chevy accepted the fact that she was raped, she tried to move on with her life, though she was confused close why it happened to her. The life after the situation was different in both stories .In ?Spilled Salt?, the rapist was full of pain because of his family. There was of stress brought down on him for that act of dishonor. In Red Chevy, the girl bought stress on herself. It was like she was in prison. She stated, ?I climbed into my bed for three days. I spent seventy-two hours sodding(a) at the ceiling and vomiting. When I finally emerged form my emotional coma, I could not eat or sleep. People cannot control lif e, the acts of others, nor death. Whether good or bad, things from rape to everyone getting alone happen.
Maya Angelou, Martin Luther King and the civil Rights Movement Essay ex
How would you feel if you were told you cant sit in the front of the bus or you cant dine in a certain restaurants because of the color of your skin? The civil rights movement was a movement that held massive numbers of unbloody protest against racial segregation and discrimination in the States especially the southern states during the 1950s and 60s. The struggle of African Americans to gain equal rights in America during this time was a major problem. The civil rights movement was not only about stopping racial segregation amongst African Americans but withal to challenge the terrible economic, political, and cultural consequences of that time. But with the help of great leaders and organizations in the civil rights movement, help brake the pattern of African Americans universe discriminated against and being segregated. Martin Luther King Jr. And Maya Angelou were great leaders who had a huge impact on the civil rights movement even though Dr. King was in the c ountry marching and protesting to fight against segregation and Angelou wrote poetry to inspire the movement and people aw are of segregation, they both helped put an end to segregation here in America (American civil rights movement).King organized the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), which is an organization that was founded to fight against racial segregation in the South. King attitude of peaceable protests and campaigns led to numerous arrest during the 1950s and 60s. His protests had success in ending racial segregation in the South, but his protests and campaigns in Birmingham, Alabama gained him world(a) attention. Through all Kings hard work and determination, brought together more than thousands and thousands of people to bo... ...r ideas, King through marching and protesting, Angelou through her writings are considered two of the most influential people because of their accomplishments as civil rights activists. During the civil rights movement they bo th helped black people to understand how racial segregation and prepossess must be fought. Works CitedAmerican civil rights movement. Encyclopedia Britannica. Encyclopedia Britannica Online Academic Edition. Encyclopedia Britannica Inc., 2013. . Martin Luther King, Jr... Encyclopedia Britannica. Encyclopedia Britannica Online Academic Edition. Encyclopedia Britannica Inc., 2013. . The Poetry Foundation. 2013. http//
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Drug Legalization Essay -- Papers
Drug LegalizationDrug abuse has progressively, over the last thirty years, become a tool for crime organizations and bureaucracies, independent and under(a) the chasten of the federal government, used to transform medicine addiction into a profit through the passage of countless laws against drug abuse. Gore Vidals assertive essay communicated his smell that drug addiction should be legalized in order to ensure the eventual well-being and individual freedom guaranteed to Americans by the constitution. When drugs were made illegal, freedom of choice for Americans was cheat away by the hard-hammering central government. Many agree with Vidal in that drugs that are now illegal would be just as dangerous and addictive if they were legalized objet dart abusers would get what they deserved given that they are aware of the often deadly aftereffects of drug use.Among Vidals several points stated was the universal entity of the big picture ,so to speak, which provided the idea that d rug abuse would be impossible to stop within a short time. In his first paragraph, Vidal stated this and gave the suggestion that drugs be labeled, with warnings, and sold at embody which would require heroic honesty among potential users as well as the labelers. This idea progressed into his third paragraph in which the subordinate concept of the natural rights guaranteed under the pursuit of happiness clause present the preamble of the constitution was introduced. He stated that each man should have the right to do as he wishes as long as it does not interfere with his neighbors pursuit of happiness. When drug abuse interferes with the happiness of others, the interference, not the drug abuse, should be what is assessed under the power of the law... ...our forefathers and for which so many million courageous souls have sacrificed their lives to protect and to preserve. In order for drug legalization to gain public support, it must first be charge into a grand perspe ctive by people who are intelligent and in power which further adds to my belief and Gore Vidals belief that drugs will neer be legalized because the most intelligent people are obviously not in power at the moment. Perhaps, if drugs were legalized, the inept abusers of drugs would slowly over time be weeded out through natural selection and the remaining persons would learn from the mistakes of their predecessors and a sound foundation would be laid for our descendants. This situation is, of course, idealistic and will never become a reality unless the human race survives long enough to live out the condemnation to repeat forgotten pasts.
Drug Legalization Essay -- Papers
Drug LegalizationDrug abuse has progressively, over the last thirty years, become a tool for crime organizations and bureaucracies, independent and under the control of the federal government, used to transform drug addiction into a profit through the passage of unnumberable laws a dupest drug abuse. Gore Vidals assertive essay communicated his belief that drug addiction should be legalized in order to ensure the eventual well-being and individual granting immunity guaranteed to Americans by the constitution. When drugs were made illegal, freedom of choice for Americans was chiseled away by the hard-hammering central government. Many agree with Vidal in that drugs that are now illegal would be just as dangerous and addictive if they were legalized while abusers would get what they deserved given that they are aware of the often deadly aftereffects of drug use.Among Vidals several points say was the universal entity of the big picture ,so to speak, which provided the idea that d rug abuse would be impossible to stop within a short time. In his first paragraph, Vidal verbalise this and gave the suggestion that drugs be labeled, with warnings, and sold at cost which would require heroic honesty among potential users as well as the labelers. This idea progressed into his third paragraph in which the subordinate concept of the natural rights guaranteed under the pursuit of happiness clause present the preamble of the constitution was introduced. He stated that each public should have the right to do as he wishes as long as it does not interfere with his neighbors pursuit of happiness. When drug abuse interferes with the happiness of others, the interference, not the drug abuse, should be what is assessed under the power of the law... ...our forefathers and for which so many million courageous souls have sacrificed their lives to protect and to preserve. In order for drug legalization to gain public support, it must first be put into a grand persp ective by people who are intelligent and in power which foster adds to my belief and Gore Vidals belief that drugs will never be legalized because the most intelligent people are obviously not in power at the moment. Perhaps, if drugs were legalized, the inept abusers of drugs would slowly over time be weeded out through natural selection and the remaining persons would learn from the mistakes of their predecessors and a sound foundation would be laid for our descendants. This situation is, of course, idealistic and will never become a reality unless the human race survives long enough to live out the conviction to repeat forgotten pasts.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Mini Case Ch
What appears to be the problem areas in the Hobby Horse Company? The problem with Hobby Horse Company is that they were having a tough category throughout 2011. The company has $45 million loan that is overdue at the end of September, however the company does not have the means to cover the comprise of the loan. looking for at the pecuniary statement the company has fairly high leverage where their equity is not as strong. In addition, their incumbent assets dont cover current liabilities-?meaning that the company is not as liquid.For the course of instruction 201 1, shareholders would not be better off in terms of investing in his company due to low return on capital for that year. For shareholders to actually benefit from this, earning a higher return would allow them to invest on their own in pecuniary markets. Shareholders want the companies to invest only in projects for which the return on capital is at least as great as the cost Of capital. 2. What questions do the p ecuniary ratios Suggest that Ms.Plant and Mr.. Green need to address during their meeting with H Management. Some questions Ms. Plant and Mr.. Green need to address during their meeting with H management is the asset turnover in order to measure the efficiency of he entire asset base in order to turn them over more quickly. Looking at the operating profit margin would allow the company to measure the proportion of the sales that are in the profits and create plans to increase them for each one year.In analyzing the debt ratio, the managers need to take a deeper look into measuring the financial leverage due to their debt situation with the 545 million dollar loan being due at the end of September. This would put the company at risk for future borrowing since debt increases returns to shareholders in good times and reduces them in bad times. When Hobby Horse borrows bullion it makes a promise to make a series of participation payments and then to repay the amount that it has borro wed.If profits rise, the debt holders continue to receive only the fixed interest payments creating a gain for the shareholders. For 2011, since their profits were falling, the shareholders received most of the negative impact. Because they borrowed such a large sum of money, they are unable to pay off their debts for that year creating the dilemma of them finding more financing the next year or for extending their current loan. . Should the bank renew Hobby Horses Agreement?If so what conditions should they place on the renewal. Yes, the bank would be wise in renewing the financial agreement with Hobby Horse. Although 201 1 was a troublesome year for the company the past financial records can show the beneficial growth that H has exemplified. Looking at previous years the company still has room for growth and judging at a single year would not be wise for banks to deny renewal.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Possitive and Negative Influences on Growth and Development Essay
Income is the money that comes into the home. This could be paid through employment, savings, and investments or from benefits that go away be paid by the government if a person is unemployed or who have a disability. Expenditure is money spent to provide for everyday alimentation needs, the amount of expenditure is determined through household income.PositiveIf you have a high income it allows you better choices of housing, diet, education, health services and transport. Having a higher income leave behind lead to a higher expenditure, having this it leave lead to a better life style. Accommodation will be more sufficient and there will less chance of health risks, this will amount to a better quality living. Affording to pay for health direction such as private care or just being able to afford for medication if you fall ill. If you have a more wealthy expenditure you will have a better source of food and more opportunities for fresh products and less processed foods. More ext ravagant food such as rich foods and wines are cheap and are a good boost. Being able to afford transport will allow an adult the ability to get to and from places such as shape up education. A steady income will produce less stress and worry if everything is under control.NegativeBeing able to afford heating bills will bar illnesses such as respiratory problems, this will be caused to lack of heating and this will amount to increase in damp. Unnecessary household problems from lack of income endure cause debt. More processed foods will be in the diet as they are a lot cheaper than fresh fruit and vegetables for example. Health will plummet dramatically if sufficient heating and health care is not in place. Heart attacks, stress and depression are all part of having an wheezing life style. Having a low income makes it difficult to get about using public transport or walking tends to be the only option, so to relieve oneself part in just education it may be difficult and will put a lot of lower income family off going into further education.HousingHousing is important to every person. It is where you live and a place to make memories.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Donglian Yuan Assignment 4 This assignment will give you taste of how I want certain calculations performed and shown on the upcoming exam. I would like you to perform the required steps as done in the PowerPoint or in homework answers. Use function bank note as done in Assignment 2. Show all calculations find z-score (when appropriate) and such, use function notation correctly, with correct mathematical syntax. Round probabilities to four denary places. The work required to show may require the use of fractions.You have two choices both acceptable. You can either write a step involving a fraction as (20 15)/2 or using MathType as pic. MathType was mentioned in the module Course Introduction, Course Requirements. There are three problems here. Scenario I go to an internet site that has a random number generator restrain to produce random real numbers racket from a uniform scattering with the drug user picking the values of the endpoints. I set the random generator to produce numbers in the following interval 25 X 48.If the the distribution is then uniform, and the try method is unbiased, then figure 1 shows the theoretical mean and model deviation. 1. I gather a sample of ten from random sampling and I get the following set of numbers. Sample result 25. 02 34. 58 28. 29 38. 75 34. 95 33. 16 30. 95 40. 23 38. 99 37. 69 The question that will be posed concerns using my sample average from the ten values I generated, assuming that indeed, (x = 36. 5 with ? x = 6. 64 and the distribution is uniform. a.What is the probability of get a sample average as low or even lower than the one we got from our sample of ten. pic pic About 4. 2% of getting a sample average as low or even lower than the one we got from our sample of ten. Grading castigate answer 70%. Correct notation 20%, required components of problem/neatness 10%. Scenario I go to an internet site that has a random number generator set to produce random real numbers from a uniform distributio n with the user picking the values of the endpoints.I set the random generator to produce numbers in the following interval 25 X 48. If the the distribution is indeed uniform, and the sampling method is unbiased, then figure 1 shows the theoretical mean and standard deviation. I gather a sample of ten from random sampling and I get the following set of numbers. Sample result 25. 02 34. 58 28. 29 38. 75 34. 95 33. 16 30. 95 40. 23 38. 99 37. 69
Friday, May 24, 2019
Han Dynasty and Mauryan/Gupta Dynasties
Han Dynasty ( chinaware) vs. Mauryan/Gupta Dynasties (India) The Han Dynasty lasted from 206 BCE 220 BCE, and was in China. The Mauryan and Gupta Dynasty lasted from 322 BCE 500 CE, and were in India. The Mauryan Dynasty ended by 185 BCE. The Gupta Dynasty started in 320 CE. In my essay I am going to be comparability and contrasting the 3 dynastys (2 of them as 1), and their control through religion, trade, male dominance, and how they set down. The Han Dynasty controlled their empire through Confucianism. One of the emperors, Han Wudi, established an Imperial University.Confucianism was the official by nature of study. If you cute to become part of the government you had to afford graduated from the University. Any person from an social class could go to the University. Going to the University actually could bump you up to a better social class. Most of the emperors of the Han Dynasty ruled through Confucians teachings Ren, Li, and Xiao. While the Gupta Dynasty went through a few religions Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. They mostly used Buddhism and Jainism to control the empire. Both religions had numerous restraints on what you could and could not do.Jainism didnt believe that women could go through the spiritual process unless they were reinnate(p) male. I dont understand why in history women were always looked down upon, and werent allowed to do what males can do. They had different religions, but the same purpose. Chinas one main trade was silk. Everyone wanted Chinas silk because it was the best plain and simple. Even if you tried to duplicate their stitching, it wasnt as good. China was extremely secretive on how they created silk, and made items come on of it. They were the only culture at the time who knew how to take care of the silk worms.Even if outsiders were able to sneak one out of the country, the worm died soon because they didnt know the worthy way to take of it. China only traded with villages outside their wall. India on the othe r hand traded across the Persian Gulf, Red Sea, and the Mediterranean. Their trade schedule depended on the monsoon winds. They traded from Asia to Persia. If you were born a Vaishyas you were a merchant/ trader. The social class you were born into decided what you did for a living. Male dominance the only subject you can ever set out me extremely wound up about.If I had lived during the time period of male dominance I would have been a very disobedient woman. In China according to Confucius, women were only around to serve their husbands and take care of the children. They were also not granted a proper education and most of them couldnt charter or write. Their duty was to be a good little house wife. In India arranged marriage was common. Fathers paid another family to have their son marry his daughter. The daughter could be eight years old, while the man she was married to was twenty. I think thats just wrong and disgusting. The Han Dynasty fell because of a rebellion.The peopl e were tired of the tax raises. They didnt like that they were forced to help build the Great Wall. They definitely didnt like the property policies having their ground easily taken from them and given to someone richer. The Mauryan Dynasty fell because they kept devaluing the currency making everything too expensive and it cause inflation. The Gupta Dynasty fell because it was continuously invaded by the whiteness Huns. It disintegrated along regional fault lines. After the Gupta Dynasty fell smaller kingdoms were created and dominated India until the Mughal Empire.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Constitution Laws Essay
People black lovage Hamilton- saved convention in Maryland from failure by engineering the adoption of his repute called upon congress to summon a convention in Philadelphia next year not to deal with commerce His speech on his plan= 1 designate convinced Joined John Jay & Madison in writing The FederalistGeorge Washington- elected chairman by demand said, We have probably had too good an judgment of human nature in forming our ConfederationBen Franklin- added the urbanity of an elder statesman though he was inclined to be indiscreetly talkative in his decline days the convention assigned chaperones to Franklin to make sure he held his tongueJames Madison- do contri moreoverions so notable = The father of the constitution wrote federalist 1 and refuted that it is impossible to black market republican form of government over large territoryThomas Jefferson, John Adams and Thomas Paine- absent in convention because they were in Europesurface-to-air missile Adams and John Hancock - were absent because not elected by band.Patrick Henry- not at convention because he was chosen by Virginia but declined to serve professed to fee in fearsome doc. the death warrant of freedomDey of Algiers- drove delegates to their work to their work was a invention fatherDaniel Shays- frightened the conservative minded delegates the specter of the new-fangled outburst in Mass was alarming & now another founding fatherLord Sheffield- British mercantilists spurred constitution framers to their task Also a founding fatherEventsAnnapolis Convention nine states appointed delegates but only five appointed fix issue on commerce by Alexander HamiltonCongress calls another Convention- reluctant but called then called to revise the Articles of Confederation most innovationary leaders of 1776 absentPhiladelphia Convention May 25-September 17,1787- only 42 of original 55 members remained to sign Constitution (3 refused & returned to resist ratification)Large State Plan- pushed as the framework of the constitution its essence was that representation in both houses of a bicameral congress should be based on tribe (large states have advantage)Small State Plan- included VA & NJ provided equal representation in a unicameral congress by states, regardless of size & population under the AOCGreat Compromise- hammered out & agreed upon large states represented by population in HOR each state no matter how big or small had 2 senatorsEnd of 1807- slave trade turned off but only Georgia allowedElections held to for members in states to of the ratifying convention- feds or antis were elected on a basis of their pledge for/against the Constitution Penn first state to accept constitution Mass provided acid test- if failed the constitution would be bogged downBoston Ratifying Convention- the absence of the bill of rights feared anti- federalist but federalists assured them that the 1st congress would add such a precaution by amendmentConstitution adopted June 21, 1788- 9 stat es expect VA,NY,NC & Ohio ratified the constitutionVirginia ratified Constitution- Virginia ratified Constitutionprovided fierce anti-federalist opposition George Washington, James Madison, and John marshal (federalists) lent influential support could not continue as an independent state because the new Union was going to be formed anyway modern York Ratified the Constitution- realized it cannot be an independent state & prosper away from the union approved 32 proposed amendments issued a call for another convention to qualify the ConstitutionConvention met in North Carolinaadjourned without taking a voteRhode Island rejected the Constitutiondid not summon a ratifying convention rejected by popular referendumDocumentsThe Federalist- John Jay, Madison, and Hamilton write series of articles for New York news designed as propaganda but remained most penetrating commentary ever written in ConstitutionLawsConstitution provided for a strong, independent executive in presidency (presiden t= military chief, have wide male monarchs of mesh to domestic offices, & have veto power over leg.) plenty of compromises ( electing president by indirect by electoral college) would become the supreme law of the land in the states ratifying adopted on June 21, 1788 reconcild principles of liberty & order3/5s Compromise- the consituttion questioned if slaves counted as a person in direct taxes decided slaves counted as 3/5 of a personArticles of Confederation- delegates decided to absolve of the old confederation, despite explicit instruction from Congress to revise these spirits were determined to overthrow the government in the US by peaceful fashionIdeasStrengthen Republic (republicanism) delegates hoped to crystallize idealism into a stable political structure wanted a firm, strong, & respected government determined to preserve the union, anticipate anarchy, and ensure security of life and property against dangerous uprisings sought to curb the unrestrained democracy ram pant in the statesConservatism- safeguards= erected against mob- rule excesses while republican gains of Revolution= conservedRid of AOC- determined to overthrow the government of US by peaceful means (see events)Manhood suffrage democracy- convention was unanimous in believe in this government by democratic babblers (feared & fought)Presidency (president) a president should be a military chief and have wide of power of appointment to domestic offices& have veto power over legislationGroupsState Legislatures chose leaders whose members had been elected by voters who could qualify as property holders for the convention that rewrite the AOCDemigods- the caliber of the participants= extradinary high elected GW as chairman55 delegates at the convention- 95% owned slaves young but experienced statesmen nationalists interesting in preserving/ alter the young republic preserved the union, forestall anarchy, & ensure security of life & propertyTravel-stained delegates- reached Philadelp hia and decided to scrap the old AOCHouse of Representative- represented the big states by population every tax bill and revenue must originate in the house were citizens permitted to choose officials by direct voteSenate made smaller states have equal representation each had to senatorsMembers of the constitutional convention- saw eye-to-eye they demanded money & protection of private property favored a stronger government with 3 branchesConservative minded delegates erected safeguards against the excesses of the mob & made strong barriersAnti- Federalists- opposed stronger federal government were arrayed against the the feds. wanted to steal back power leaders surface-to-air missile Adams, Patrick Henry, & Richard Henry Lee believed sovereignty of people resided in the legislativeFederalists- favored the new Constitution had power & influence support of George Washington and Franklin wealthier/ more enlightened and organized then antifederalists controlled the press contender e very branch, executive, judiciary, & legislative thought by settling the drifting ship of state on steady course, they could bear on economic & political stabilityMilitant minority of conservatives- Engineered the peaceful revolution that overthrow the inadequate constitution= AOC
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Motor Vehicle Safety Essay
There are many different types of laws and regulations that control force back vehicle safety. There are laws that are created at every(prenominal) level of government in the United States starting with the federal government all the way down to municipal or city regulations. A licence driver essential be aware of and abide by all of these different laws in order to realize the safety of not full separate drivers on the road but also bike riders and uninterestings that are walking along incline of the roads.The federal government has enacted several motor vehicle laws and standards to ensure the safety and health of the population. The first piece of national legislation was signed in 1966 and was called the National trading and Motor Vehicle Safety Act. The most powerful part of this bill was the creation of National Highway Safety Bureau which is now known as the National Highway Traffic Safety regime (NHTSA).The sole purpose and responsibility of this bureaucratic ent ity was to enact laws to protect the population and to prevent deaths and minimize injuries from motor vehicle accidents and malfunctions. The most influential regulation that the NHTSA created was in 1968 when it required automobile workers to install seat belts for all railroad cars. Since then the NHTSA has created a set of conventions that are required with every new vehicle that is manufactured for economic consumption in the United States, these are called the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards and there are over a hundred different standards.Although the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act is a type of legislative law, the regulations created by the NHTSA are administrative laws because they were created by an administrative agency. All of the fifty states in the U. S. including the state of Nevada have quite a few different laws that regulate motor vehicle safety. However these laws affect the drivers of the vehicles rather than the manufacturers.Some example s of these laws include the question Over law which necessitates that if you are in an accident or your car breaks down you must make every effort to move your vehicle to the side of the road not just to keep the flow of traffic moving but to ensure the safety of the passengers in the affected vehicles. Other laws include bike laws, child safety seats and booster seats, and school bus regulations.For example, when a school bus pulls over to release at to the lowest degree one child, cars must come to a complete stop until they have reached the safety of the sidewalk this includes cars on the other side of the road headed in the opposite irection. One of the newest laws that has been take in just about every state is the probation of the use of cell phones while driving your car, this means texting or talking except with the use of a hands free headset or Bluetooth. This is an example of how social norms and advancements in technology have necessitated changes in the laws. At the local state level in unification Las Vegas, Nevada there are many ordinances that dictate how drivers must behave while on the streets of the city.These include posted speed limits which state how fast a car can go while maintaining safety of the passengers inside, in other vehicles, and any pedestrians or bicycle riders in the vicinity. Another law that was recently enacted protects pedestrians crossing the street, it states that if a pedestrian enters a cross walk, cars traveling in both directions must come to a complete stop and may not proceed until the pedestrian has safely reached the other side of the street and has both feet on the sidewalk.All these laws combined contribute to the health and welfare of the public. Public health isnt just about medically treating the masses but it is also about keeping the public safe and ensuring there are no deaths or injuries while operating(a) or riding in a vehicle, riding a bicycle, or walking on the street. The government at all le vels has an obligation of at least informing the public about how to stay safe when it comes to motor vehicles and to make sure that all proper precautions are taken when operating a motor vehicle.The decrease in motor vehicle fatalities and injuries is proof that these laws and regulations work and will continue to work as long as government keeps them in place. approximate 4-13 in Essentials of Public Health shows that despite the increase of vehicles miles traveled there has been a steady decrease in the amount of deaths cause by motor vehicle accidents. It is in the best interest of the public to keep these laws and to create new ones as times and situations change.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Wars Negative Impacts
Family, friends and strangers battle for our freedom every day still at a cost of gyrfalcon their aver lives. Enemy and the casualty lists that are elongated each week with nothing to show for the blood being spilled (Source E 19-20). The avoidance of death should be the only reason necessary to stop the advance of state of wars. Soldiers on the battlefield have done nothing to deserve to die they are only trying to protect the ones they deeply vex for. Deaths cause major(ip) destruction in the lives of relatives of the deceased soldiers.Many families lose a member who they depended on for support eventually forcing them Into poverty resulting in increased offering Inflicted by the make of war. fight simply changes every aspect involving people perspectives on life, relations even their personalities. During war soldiers lose the purpose of their battle. Soldiers do not even bid about the effect they have on the family of the murdered, maybe leaving a child without a father . They are so over whelmed by their environ workforcet that they care for nothing but their own selection. An adventurous expedition had turned Into an exhausting, indecisive war of attrition In which we fought for no cause other Han our own survival (Source E 21-22). People leaving their families return with a different attitude and personality than when they first left. Many soldiers become traumatized by the events they witness and participated in causing irreversible damage to the brain. This is why some people apply themselves to certain tasks differently than before, as a result their efforts to solve the specific situation underpin fire multiplying their problem.The Individual could even possibly cause damages not only to himself but also to his relatives and the nearby people. Stall they changed us ND taught us, the men who fought In them In those obscure skirmishes we learned the old lessons about fear, cowardice, courage, suffering, cruelty, and comradeship (Source E 25- 27). Depression, anxiety and paranoia are a few words to describe how the war effects the members of society left at home when relatives are sent away to battle for their country.They become unable to appear in society collect to their extreme fear of death both themselves and other and possible loss of loves ones. These are negative Impacts of war because when members of society return to violation they lose the abilities to responsibility properly within society. The money involved in the processes of war could be use to help better a nations population and standard of living kind of of assisting in its destruction. If a nation does not have an advantage over the competing nation regarding the development of weapons then the resources consumed in the process will be used inefficiently.This Is because factories are forced to switch the production of their products over to assaults In ten war efforts, tans would cause ten companies Ana t employees to lose Jobs, wages and money. T his would cause the countries own people to suffer due to the lack of money being provided into the economy resulting in poverty and hunger. War requires a huge amount of money that a nation does not necessarily have because is a very expensive process. Not only is it expensive regarding the production of ammunition but also the later on effects of war place a huge toll on the economy.Cities may be completely destroyed which requires money to pay for workers to build and blank while also paying for the materials. It would not only remove fear and bring security it would not only create new moral and eldritch values it would produce an economic wave of prosperity that would raise the worlds standard of living beyond anything ever dreamed of by man. The hundreds of billions of dollars now spent in mutual preparedness could conceivably abolish poverty from the face of the earth. (Source G 4-9) Another reason is the populations youth sacrifice their lives resulting in death, leaving a shift between generations. Few of us were past twenty-five (Source E 33). Meaning the new working generation Joining the labor pool will hang greatly in size and skill. This is because the military removes all able-bodied men from factories to place them into the army to serve their country. Necessary Jobs such as Jobs in the medical field will lose employees preventing them from performing their duties, removing required money from the economy. War effects the economy of both countries fighting in a negative way. War requires a large amount of money to fight the war while also fixing the damages that are a result of it.War is a difference between countries thru the use of arms attempting to gain what they believe to be beneficial to their country. Many believe that war under certain circumstances is Justified but nothing can Justify the murder and long term effects that follow the events of war. But in spite of all arguments against war it still is and possibly will always exi sts. As long as war exists in countries everywhere in the world it will only produce negative consequences that man must accept as punishment for such actions.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Assignment Week 6: Sleep Deprivation, Disorders, and Drugs
Any of us if non more than approximately founder experienced few difficulty kiping. This can happen because of a amount of things We worry about some sort of troubling thing to come or one that has passed, or there is the all too famous insomnia, which gets the best of us from time to time. on that point are many another(prenominal) times in my life that I have had trouble kiping, whether it was from one of my three barbarianren being sick, my economize being sick, me being sick, or my mind just running from here to there which happens quite frequently.The at last time I recall that I had not gotten enough relaxation would have been when my middle child had to have oral surgery. I dont really pick out if it was because she was going under and she hadnt been before, if it was the fact that my little girl was going to have surgery for the first time. I tried for some(prenominal) hours to fall a kip, but my mind would not stay still. I finally decided to get up and try to doze off to the television, after that did not work I made some coffee and worked on my assignment. When it was time to get up my husband and my little girl I was exhausted, as if I was at work all day.I drove us to where we shooted to go with no problem, but as we sat in the waiting room I dozed off for a few hours. As I woke it felt as if I had not slept as all, I was still exhausted. After the surgery was over and the care plan for her was set we left for home. I had got a huge cup of coffee from a convenience store, as I drank it I felt more tired. I slept for about 30 proceeding on the way home, and when I got there I felt so a provoke. How forever, as I went in and settled down for a little bit, I felt more tired than I ever had.Unfortunately though I needed to take care of my other two children, which was a very ticklish task at hand, even with the help of their father. I was finally able to get to sleep that iniquity however it was a rough start to the next day. When I am unable to get to sleep I tend to sleep more than normal, and as I wake I am drag all day and feel as I need more sleep. As I hit the books chapter 14 Sleep, Dreaming, and Circadian Rhythms, I am better understanding of why my body reacts the way it does if I get too much sleep or not enough sleep.When reading about the convalescence theories of sleep it made a lot of sense to me. I believe it is reasonable that we need to sleep in order for our bodies to revitalize its self, and that at some point if we were to set about a total sleep deprivation it could result in ones death. We do know that we are in need of some sleep, however, we are still uncertain about how much sleep we much have. It is in wish manner know that many years ago people slept much more and today a person ordinarily sleeps anywhere from seven to nine hours of sleep.According to the circadian theories of sleep, we possess an internal timing mechanism, called a circadian clock. I fully support the belief t hat we are programmed or have developed a habit of dormancy at night. I believe that we choose to rest and relax not only for our health, but overly because we like it so much. I believe that we experience Microsleep from time to time as well. Mucrosleeps are footling periods of sleep when we shut our eyes for a few seconds either time sitting or standing. I remember while I was working I had stayed up all night, when I went to work I was completely exhausted.I had to get something out of the walk in cooler, since it was a hot day out I sat on a crate and I dozed off for just a second, and ended up jerking awake. We do not know exactly how much sleep a human should sleep and exactly why it is necessary to need sleep. There are many types of sleep disorders, one in particular would be insomnia. There is insomnia that involves disorders of getting to sleep and staying asleep and hypersomnia, which includes disorders of sleeping too much. Causes that can make up ones mind insomnia are, for example, if a person is experiencing physical pain.This could influence a person when falling asleep or staying asleep. There are drugs (hypnotics) that can help a person to fall and stay asleep but they have negative effects. Prescribing benzodiazepines, like valium, have side effects as a person can develop a tolerance and might have to increase the dose of that specific drug. In addition, they are in like manner addictive. Another insomnia disorder is called sleep apnea. A person with this disorder stops breathing during sleep, which makes him or her wake up and then go right away to sleep. This disorder is very common in elder or overweight people.There is also nocturnal myoclonus (a body twitches and keeps a person awake) and restless legs syndrome. In hypersomnia, narcolepsy is the some well-known disorder. A person with this disorder complains about daytime sleepiness and falls asleep well-nigh anywhere. Another symptom of narcolepsy is cataplexy, in which a perso n can lose muscle tone while being awake. This can make a person sit down suddenly or in the extreme, cause a person to drop down to the ground. Then there is sleep paralysis (unable to sack when going to sleep or awakening) and hypnagogic hallucinations (dreaming while being awake).There are drugs such as stimulants and tricyclic antidepressants that might help however, they are very addictive and can have side effects like not wanting to eat. There is also the hormone melatonin, a natural hormone produced in the brain, which is also manufactured commercially and is associated with sleeping, but the studies are still inconsistent and debatable. (Pinel, 2011) As we know we need some sort of sleep to function normally or on a normal basis, without it we could face some pretty severe consequences. If there are problems they make medication that can help with those problems, which will suffer us to sleep.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Cat Eye Syndrome
Cat Eye syndrome Cat eye syndrome is a rare chromosomal disquiet that whitethorn be plain to see at birth. The name cat eye syndrome comes from a distinctive freakishness in the eye that is shown in some affected people. This feature consists of partial absence of ocular tissue paper often affecting both eyes. Affected ocular tissues may include the colored piece, the middle layer, and/or the innermost membrane of the eye. Individuals with cat eye syndrome frequently have coloboma(s) (which is a structural defect of the eye), vanquish slanting eyelid folds, widely dislocated eyes and/or other ocular defects.Discovery and cause This disorder was discovered in 1898. In individuals with cat eye syndrome, the short arm and a small region of the long arm of chromosome 22 are present three or four times kind of than twice in cells of the body. Symptoms * Partial absence of the tissue pertaining to the eye * Mild or moderate intellectual retardation * Cat-like, downward slanting open ing * Malformations of the facial and the skull region * Eyes are widely spaced Inherited As cat eye syndrome is an inherited genetic disorder, it occurs by birth.The defect can plagiarize from either parent, as it can be transmitted through both sexes. The person is diagnosed considering the symptoms present in the body. Treatment Treatment is given according to the severity of the symptoms. Patients with short stature are given branch hormone therapy. Miscellaneous A recent study suggests that cat eye syndrome affects 1 in just about 74000 people, making this a pretty rare disorder. This chromosomal disorder can occur in both, males and females. In many cases, individuals are born with this syndrome because it is prevalent in their families.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Coeducation in Pakistan
Coeducation is to educate deuce boys and girls together. in the modern world of today,coeducation is the impudently order of the day. most of the countries in the world have adopted this form of education. in Pakistan too, there atomic number 18 some schools where there is coeducation whereas, in many an(prenominal) institutes there is wind-segregation. coeducation finds its origin in Sparta,Greece. at that time,there was no billet between boys and girls. they studied and played together. they were given academic education along with physical training.Plato,the great philosopher theorized that coeducation was ind salubriousing for the develop workforcet of personality. he thinkd that coeducation was the muchover way to make boys and girls beneficial to the society. therefore,west has acknowledged and adopted the benefits of coeducation since long ago. In the subcontinent, during ancient times,coeducation was present at a few places. but,gradually girls education begin to b e ignored. the educational remains of that time was quite different from that of today. boys were sent to gurukuls where they spent most of their educational period.They were imparted physical and academic education. the power included warf ar training while,the latter comprised of study of scriptures. in medieval india, women and commonwealth belonging to pull down caste were forbidden from designateing the scriptures. However,raja ramohan roy,the great social reformer revolted against this practice. his succesors also played a icy role in revolting against the illiterate practices. Islam has stressed upon the importance of education. infact, the first word revealed was iqra translated as to read. Islam has ordained twain men and women to acquire education. consecrated prophet P. B. U. H said acquire education from provenience to grave. similarly,islam also acknowledges that an illiterate and an educated man evoke never be equal. During the time of Holy Prophet(P. B. U. H), mosques were the solely educational institutions. there are no instances recorded where holy prophet P. B. U. H forbade his wives from go to semon(khutba),the primary tool of education. Apart from this ,there are many examples which illustrate that muslim women accompanied there men to mosques and even inquired questions from Holy prophet in the presence of men.Even today,many liberal muslims acknowledge that morality emanates from heart. Quran, time and again, has accentuate muslims to guard themselves against immorality. it regularises say to the believing men to swallow their gaze and to guard their private move. . many Muslim scholars acknowledge the fact that islam has non barred both the come alivees from acquiring education together as long as morality is not infringed. Coeducation, in Pakistan has always remained a controversial issue. some good deal neediness this system to be adopted in all the institutions on the other hand, there is a size commensurate portion o f population that is opposed to it.Both the schools of thought present argument supporting their stance. proponents of coeducation manage that it is the requisite of hour and that it has the ability to eliminate the problems of the ontogenesis commonwealth. nonetheless,the opponents dare to disagree. to them,the system does not confirms to the religious, social and cultural determine of the society. Coeducation has the ability to cope with the problems of developing countries. for instance,Pakistan is a developing country. it depart be difficult for a developing economy to maintain stop instituitions for both sexes.if coeducation system is introduced in all the schools and colleges of the state, then the cost of separate infrastructure, stationary and recruitment personnel can be saved. A country can develop only by increasing the rate of literacy. unfortunately, for developing countries, there is a dearth of well trained teachers. if both girls and boys are taught together in the same class, at the same time then this issue can also be resolved. In coeducation, boys and girls get the opportunity to intermingle and to extrapolate each other. by study together, they pass on develop mutual respect and understanding.Professor simon said the only reason to support coeducation is that without it, boys and girls will not be knowing about each other for many years. In a coeducational instite, boys and girls interact with each other freely. they become broadminded and overcome their shyness. There is no hard and fast convention that if girls will always intereact with girls and boys with boys when they grow up . therefore coeducation will boost their confidence level, which will be beneficial in their future life. such individuals will be more comfortable interacting with frigid sex be it at professional or personal level.Coeducation will provide both sexes an opportunity to conduct to cooperate with each other. they will be working together in assignmen ts and projects which will help them to understand the way opposite sex works. this will help them in their respective role taking when they read practical lives. this cooperation will create a feeling a comradeship in both the sexes. Proponents of coeducation argue that such an educational system will be useful for their personality development. in a coeducation,boys will be free to intereact with girls.Doing so, will help them to understand opposite sexing a meliorate way and go forth them to develop a healthy personality.. they will,then not indulge in eve teasing. the students of today will be the citizens of tomorrow. it is the demand of today,to allow individuals to grow in a free atmosphere. In addition, coeducation will allow both the sexes to treat each other on equal terms. girls will become more confident and responsive and the boys will develop more tolerance. the traffichip between them will be based on equality,respect and humanity. this will help them to overcome the centuries old system of male dominance.Researchers argue that coeducation has proved to be a better educational system as in such colleges,the results of exams are far better than in sex segregated schools. in coeducation, boys and girls compete with each other and try to remain ahead of the other one. this results in better academic results. A research conducted concluded that presence of girls in class prevents boys from indulging in unruly behavior. it also helps in fostering stronger bondage between teachers and students. generally, in coeducational classes, the number of baseless outbursts are fewer. Presence of more than 55% girls in class room has shown better exam results.Particularly, at primary level,coeducation has shown exceptional results. Boys and girls in presence of each other become more conscious of their habits, modality and appearance. they abstain from exhibiting immoral behaviour. they try their lift out to please the opposite sex by showing best behavi our. these habits become a part of the personality. Women of today are entering every profession in king-size number. they are heading big organizations. They face similar challenges as boys while finding jobs or in professional life. therefore,it is imperative that they should be given education on similar grounds as boys.Although,it is a fact that both boys and girls have different ways of learning,but still it is observed that their joint education has a positive influence overall. Infact, the supporters of coeducation speak of its benefits as if its the only road to heaven. Every coin has two sides. An impartial eye should focus on both the silvery sides rather than adopting a biased attitude. The opponents of coeducation believe that in coeducation, boys and girls are exposed to each other. the temptation of flirting appears more attractive than the urge to control surface books.It also destroys the relationship between teacher and student as temptation cannot differentiate b etween teacher or student. People against coeducation state that it is not the panacea to the problems of developing countries,in reality it will sprout more problems. Anyone who has attended even a few schools and colleges in Pakistan knows the fact that they are frightfully overcrowded. even girls only institutes present a similar picture. therefore, new institutions are needed and if a few are reserved for girls and boys separately,it will not be an additional burden on the economy.Perhaps, the greatest harm that coeducation can get to is to lead to moral depravity. in coeducation, boys are girls are free to interact with each other. curiousity plays its role well in this regard. the immoral standards promoted by media fill up the gap created from the germs of curiousity implanted by satan. this coupled with the fact, that the students are deprived of sincere supervision, as the teachers themselves do not present an ideal picture of morality and decency. As a result, they fall victim to sexual impurity. Religious conservatives argue that coeducation will wreak havoc to the Moslem values.As boys and girls will be easily accessible to each other, this will promote development of immoral relations between them. they support their view by stating that during the time of Holy Prophet(P. B. U. H) educational instituitions were mosques where, though coeducation was present,but the chances of going astray were limited. they further emphasise that the present coeducational system are not at conformity with the Islamic approach to coeducational system. Supporters of coeducation believe that this system will promote understanding between both sexes.However, the opponents say that if boys and girls cannot understand each other in family and home then they will not be able to do so in coeducation. why is it that a person thinks he can understand the opposite sex only when he meets his neighbours daughter? Further, it is believed that coeducation is a western concept . many people want to adopt coeducation because it is prevalent in west. they think that if west has it then they must have it too. They want to be more western than the west. but,they should bear it in mind that a system should be adopted only if it goes along with cultural,social and religious values of a society.Certainly,our society does not accepts the present coeducational system. Antagonists of coeducation offer that it is an urban concept. boys will grow up to earn while girls will maintain their house travelling bag. they emphasize that as both sexes will play a different role, there is no logic in didactics them similar curricula in a similar manner. Even teachers of some subjects such as biology hold opinion that it is easier to teach certain chapters more thoroughly in presence of only girls or boys in the class room. They find teaching certain topics embarrassing and difficult in coeducation.Nowadays, sex education is enough a part of the curricular. this further act s as fuel on fire. Certain educationists believe that students do not remain focused in studies in the presence of opposite sex. they remain more engaged in paying attention to opposite sex, than on lectures. Therefore,it is feared that coeducation will not raise the standard of education,instead will lower it. In coeducation institutions, boys and girls are more consumed by how they appear to the opposite sex. they spent countless hours contemplating what to wear, how to wear and where to wear.This leads to the going away of precious time which should have been dedicated to studies only. The only solution that springs to mind in view of Islamic injunctions and logic of common sense is that there should be sex segregated institutions. however, if a developing country like Pakistan is not able to do so in current situation then it is the office of government to take measures to ensure that coeducation does not attacks the moral values preached by islam. Firstly, the curricula chose n should be such that does not risks morality.Secondly,government should be careful in choosing faculty. the teachers recruited should be an embodiment of decency and morality. meanwhile, the religiou conservatives should adopt an attitude of tolerance. Nonetheless,it is also grave that some girl doctors should be educated in coeducation otherwise,our mothers and sisters will have compelled to expose their private parts before male doctors under ailment. but still,it is the responsibility of the government to ensure sex segregated educational instituitions whenever,it can bear the expenses.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Importance of English Education
A wording is a systematic means of talk by the use of sounds or conventional symbols. It is the code we any use to express ourselves and communicate to others. It is a communication by word of mouth. Language is something specific to humans, that is to say it is the basic capacity that distinguishes humans from all other living beings. Language therefore remains potentially a communicative culture medium adequate of expressing ideas and concepts as well as moods, feelings and attitudes. In general, the most popular nomenclature is incline. In this computer age, English is the only language that any one can understand.So to say, it has become as an ideal language for expressing our feelings. As we know that we ar living in the world of globalization. English language is a parking area language and is spoken in many countries. No one denies the importance of English language in the present time as global language. It is clear that the English language has become more paramou nt around the world. There is no doubt that, the English is language of communication between the people with different cultures . It is also the language of computers that help to communicate with the people around the world through Internet engine room and e-mail.One of the main reasons why the English is dominant in the present time is that it is apply in the field of discipline by universities and institutes and, they use it in scientific research. On the other hand, the English is an fundamental requirement in most government jobs and private. English is important because for its use in different field like Travel Languages differ from country to country and from region to region. Thus, if we happen to travel to another country, either for business or lei incontestable purpose, we are sure to land ourself into great trouble, in case we are not conversant with the native language.In such circumstances, English becomes a great help for us as it is a global language spoken by more than 900 million people across the globe, either as native language or second language. Familiarity to English can get us to communicate with anyone and eachone where we travel, by easily handling the situation. Education People not only travel to places global for business and pleasure, but they leave their homeland and travel to another country for study purpose as well.Travel to any country on this earth and you would find English as the main medium of teaching, as it is practically impossible for a new person to study in the local language of the country. approximately of the universities worldwide include English as one of their major subject. English is the first and beginning(a) criteria whether we are applying for a job or we are seeking admission in a reputed college/university/institution. Hence, education has increased the importance of English to a great extent. Internet Though internet has developed into non-homogeneous other languages, English still remains as the main language for most internet users.Most of the information and websites are available in English only and it becomes very difficult to translate every appropriate page into the language of the concerned country. With the growth of the internet into education and E-commerce, English language is sure to grow. Hence, we can say that English language is the most important language in the world which is used in different fields,in which usage of other language is not only difficult but nerly impossible. So, it is know as universal language that is spoken by people all over the world.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Education for Learners with Diverse Needs
This paper is design to make an solicitude of larning disablements, communicating unconnecteds, twin diagnosing every bit good as giftedness. In add-on to the temper of bring forthing a positive acquisition environment for kids with victimizes will maximise their accomplishment. To understand each type of disablement reference above we should look at the features, causes, and definitions of each signifier of disablement and upset to better heighten the acquisition environment for both the educatee and the instructor. As a cross pedagogue, it is an authoritative facet to remain abreast of all upsets we come in contact with to bring forth a quality information for all those involved. For more scholarly persons with disablements and for those without, the cardinal success in the schoolroom lies in holding version, adjustments and alterations made to the course of study and direction and another(prenominal) schoolroom activities.Learning Disabilitiesthither are m all definit ions of larning disablements. However, the most use comes from Persons with Dis cogency in Education Act ( IDEA ) . It defines larning disablements as assorted cognitive or psycho crystal clear upsets that impede the ability to larn, particularly on that interferes with ability to larn math or develop linguistic communications accomplishments ( listening, reading, authorship, and talking ) ( IDEA 2004 ) .Some features of larning disablements are kids holding a deficits in the country of reading and written linguistic communication that derriere non do connexion with similar constructs in larning math ( can non link 3 + 5 = 8 when asked 5 + 8 peers ) , trouble in believing in consecutive or logical order, holding behaviours in the country of non being unionised and losingss things.No 1 is precisely certain what causes larning disablements. Experts are non certain to the causes. The differences in how a personaaa?s encephalon plants and how it process information can be from encep halon harm, heredity, job during gestation and the environment the person lives in.Presently there is a prevalence figure of 45.3 % of school- elderly kids in the United States classified as holding a specific acquisition disablement and have some sort of particular instruction support ( United States Office of Special Education, 2007a ) .Communication DisordersCommunication Disorders is the speak and linguistic communication upsets that touch on country such as unwritten and motor map. It can be verbal, gestural or a combination of both. It revolves three constituents transmitter, message and receiving outline. Language ( the system of symbols used to show and have significance ) is a factor in each component of the procedure manage ( the systematic production of sound ) is a factor in verbal communicating. .Communication upsets include speech upsets of articulation, eloquence, and voice, and linguistic communication upsets. It may affect from simple sound repeats, such as stuttering, to occasional misarticulation of word and complete inability to utilize address and linguistic communication communicating. A kid who is linguistic communication impaired should demo accomplishments in the elementary linguistic communication that are below those expected for his/her chronological age.The prevalence of linguistic communication shortages in the school-age population in the United States is about 2.5 % . and 50 % of kids who receive particular instruction services from other disablements ( Hall et al. , 2001 ) .An apprehension of normal forms of linguistic communication acquisition is an of import portion of placing kids with linguistic communication upsets and developing redress plans for them. It besides involves testing, measuring, naming and doing appropriate arrangement determinations.GiftednessGifted kids may demo nifty abilities in a assortment of country including rational, academic aptitude, originative thought, leading and the ocular and executi ng human-centred disciplines. They besides show the ability to happen and work out jobs rapidly. The full development of the talented pupil depends on his or her environmental context, unshakable encouragement, and support from the household and societal groups ( Sydney Marland 1972 ) . Longitudinal surveies of talented kids indicated that most of them are healthy and good adjusted and achieve good into maturity, with some exclusions that are underperformers.Teaching cognitive schemes, job determination, job resolution, and creativeness are some features that particular plans focus on for talented pupils. rough-and-ready job determination and job work outing accomplishments depend on the individualsaaa? flexible habitude of his or her cognition, construction and creativeness. In add-on, it depends on the capacity for divergent thought, a willingness to be different and strong motive. Underachievers have feeling of lower status, outlook of failure and low ego assurance.The prevale nce of giftedness is about 10 % to 55 % of the school-age population of kids who are identified ( Gagne, 2003 Renzulli & A Reis, 2003 ) .To bring out the abilities of kids who come from cultural subgroups, particular designation methods and processs that depend less on anterior cognition and experience and more on logical thinking and originative thought are necessary. Children with physical and centripetal disabilities can be intellectually gifted, only frequently their abilities are undiscovered because pedagogues do non seek for their particular endowments.Double DiagnosisFredericks Baldwin ( 1987 ) hinted that the term double diagnosing be used with great attention, mental wellness upsets is one disablement with secondary features twist out of the deficiency of environmental input that is from the centripetal disablement. Unfortunately, some kids with certain damages struggle in category and have behavior jobs. Often these conditions may be a consequence from holding to tr oth in category or emotional wellness that possibly cause by attending shortage upset ( ADD ) or Attention deficit/hyperactive upset ( ADHD ) . However, IDEA has a job in the figure of kids that qualify as a handicapped. Furthermore, Pinborough-Zimmerman, Satterfield, Miller, Bilder, Hossain and MaMohn ( 2007 ) findings confirm that 6.3 % of school aged kids were having address therapy services and co-concurring conditions like rational disablements, autism spectrum upset and emotional behaviour upsets. In the public school system the Numberss have a sedate deduction to supply indispensable service for these kids.Course of studyThere should be a distinction course of study to function all scholars, irrespective of ability, disablement, age, gender or cultural and lingual background. Curriculum should be modified suitably. First there should be alteration of larning disablements in the country of math, reading and linguistic communication. In communicating upsets the instructor shoul d do certain she speak with pupils with damage the same manner he/she speak to the mend instruction pupils. The course of studies for talented pupils are lesson, assignments, and schedule alteration are lesson generated toward higher order of thought, content alteration, and promote group interaction. Some theoreticians besides suggest that course of study demand to be in footings of the acquisition environment.The cardinal characteristics of educating a kid with all disablement or upset is to concentrate on orienting the course of study in the countries of strengths, failings, demands, involvement, ability and feature of the kid. It is of import to understand the differences in order to indentify, buttocks, evaluate and rectify the pupil.DecisionFinally, the of import of regular instructors and particular pedagogues are arm with the cognition, preparation and information in respects to disablements. Students with communicating upsets, giftedness, and besides any other learning d isablements can larn and be successful in faculty members. Professional can fix course of study and appreciate the critical characteristics of services for particular need pupils. By modifying lessons for pupil and giving adjustments to these pupils with other schoolroom activities.
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Human Resource Trend Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Human imagination Trend - Essay ExampleTechnology has phenomenally changed the manner the businesses operate around the globe and legal transfer them closer in the process. Globalization is one of the major products of rapid onset of technology due to which the knowledge base is changed into a global village. Now one organization bear sh atomic number 18 important information and exposit with its other teams scattered around the world in a few seconds. Now automating many HR processes through the use of technology is also becoming a frequent practice which is basically to present abundant time for HR professionals to concentrate on defining processes, creating measurements, and affecting the bottom line (Little, cited in Guadagno, 2012). Now, identifying trends in technology can form a task of critical importance for the HR surgical incision in any organization. Some of such technologies are continuing to prove how beneficial they can be for an organization in terms of reducin g costs, saving money, and making optimum hiring choices through accurately meter the hours worked and ensuring multiple online mediums for collaboration with other teams located far away. Technology has enabled many organizations to gain huge advantages which is wherefore it is considered to be such a huge HR trend. According to Martin (cited in Gray, 2012) who works as a consultant in a New York-based consultancy firm, technology has proved to a potential enabler of significant dexterity gains like monitoring employee information, curbing costs, and enhanced collaboration. Consultants like Martin say that their customers are intent on buy new HR information systems which have proper and useful controls incorporated in them. Organizations everywhere are intent on maximizing the benefits obtained from technology in such a way that constructive HR processes and workforce could be generated consequently which could together help them in obtaining diverse business goals and improve commercialize reputation. Businesses are largely focused on technological perspective of HR processes as the employers want diverse business objectives to be obtained in time without encountering any hassle irrespective of whether a business is ontogeny internationally or recovering from an economic breakdown. It is claimed regarding how technology relates to HR processes that it helps firms improve their HR tech strategies and those without an real framework construct strategies from scratch (Martin, cited in Gray, 2012). To maximize benefits from technology, organizations everywhere should focus on portal consolidation when working on any problematic project to ensure a safe working milieu and ease for the employees. Also they should focus on using technology in such a way that attendance, leaves, absence, promotions, payments, and meetings all are recorded. HR should make sure how all of the services are shared and select information regarding how they should be governed by the employees. Committees should be formed charged with the responsibility of monitoring technology and ascertain in what way they should be used. Without efficient HR information systems, organizations have to design HR tech strategies from scratch which results in a wastage of a lot of valuable time. Transforming HR through technology can influence businesses profoundly and others also who work across the world. HR professionals can assist and monitor processes of the organizations exploitation internat
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Program study and Development Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Program study and cultivation Plan - Essay ExampleI started working as a petitioned registry defend for Westways Staffing where I worked for four years. After that, I found a full time job in heraldic bearing Community Hospitals emergency de collapsement. Being a novice in emergency nursing, I put a lot of effort in refining my emergency nursing skills in pitch to prepare myself for a successful transition.After working in the emergency department as a staff nurse for four months, I was offered the job of a full time attention nurse. At that time, my eagerness to get the job was attenuated with cynicism. I underestimated myself and feared that I might not be satisfactory to live up to my music directors expectations and hence end up failing him. However, the love and control shown by my extremely supportive friends changed my mind for the better and I accepted the job offer. Having worked as part of the management team and added stake in the organization for some time, I felt the need to attach my nursing knowledge in order to better lead a robust department. Therefore, I study and successfully acquired certification for emergency nurse (CEN) and critical care (CCRN). Getting these certificates instilled the much needed bureau in me to effectively lead the department and deal with the interdepartmental issues along with other charge nurses and nurse managers.Another break in my career arrived when Sherman Oaks Hospital offered me the full time position of a charge nurse. With a view to broadening my nursing experience and successfully dealing with the challenges in a newborn setting, I left the mission and took the job offer. Nursing has always provided me with endless opportunities to grow. For example, the basic management prepare I received during my position as a charge nurse ultimately opened the panorama of working in the directors position in the department. This time I accepted the directors post and viewed it as a challenge. So far, my de partment has managed to successfully
Monday, May 13, 2019
Film language elements of a movie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
look at language elements of a movie - Essay ExampleOn the contrary, tom gets tired of Mamie and starts dating with the golden Gwen. Tom surprises his mother by his wealth. His mother and straight forward brother, Mike, disapprove of his career choices. The battle of lesson between the brothers culminates in a dinner table (Greatest Films, n.d.). Because Nathan, Tom, and Matt pursued lives full of crimes, they ended up dying out of crime. The mise-en-scene has been planned well. Tom brings a keg to celebrate Mikes break from war. The beer displays Toms lifestyle. At dinner, Tom takes the head seat of the table, in his mothers black eye direction. The mother has to hoist her neck in order to see her son beyond the keg.Cinematography has influenced the believability of the film. In the grapevine scene, Tom shocks his girlfriend by slapping her with the grapes. The development of the movie, including the episode where Tom places a keg of beer on the table and Mike getting infuriat ed by Toms display of illegitimately acquired wealth as he denounces him helps bring a clear picture of the cinema. Matt gets shot and dies in front of Tom in stakeout. Tom avenges his friends death by going to the opponents clump headquarters and opens fire. He overpowers them however, he sustains injuries from gunshots and gets hospitalized. His mother jubilates upon hearing that her son has reformed and would join them. Later, Mike answers a door knock only to find Tom, murdered and buttressed up in the doorway (Bould 41). separate scenes include Tom and Matt appearing in expensive tailor made clothes and bounce with beautiful women after acquiring a lot of wealth through illegal business. Several outbursts of force receive good production attention. They include the shooting of Putty Nose and the scene where Matt and Tom shoot the horse that fell killing Nathan, their crime boss.Sound has been used to bring various do in the film. Both the human sounds, gunshots and music played in the film
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Scientists study how HIV hides in body Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Scientists study how human immunodeficiency virus hides in body - Essay ExampleYet those drugs dont eliminate HIV because they cant reach the two cognize pools of cells where the virus can lie dormant, ever ready to resurface.So-called memory T cells form oneness such pool. As the name implies, these are the cells that ensure if you get, say, measles as a child, youre forever immune. They hold up for years, even decades, making them a logical HIV hideout, and one that scientists have repeatedly sought to dismantle to no avail.Macrophages, another type of immune cell, form the second pool. They roam the body looking for invaders give care bacteria to gobble up. If they get harmed, such as becoming infected by a virus, theyre mantic to commit suicide. But HIV instead keeps them alive long past their normal lifespan.Up to now, naught has really thought about how to eliminate the macrophage reservoir, said Dr. Kuan-Teh Jeang, an HIV specialist at the National Institutes of Health. The image now has turned toward, How do we eliminate reservoirs ... The best way to address our problem is to simply stamp out those cells.The Rochester team found that HIV produces a protein that turns on a particular cell-survival pathway. After a multistep process, it lastly activates an enzyme called Akt that in turn prevents cell suicide, the researchers reported Thursday online in the journal Retrovirology.That was g
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Human rights among the dominican republic and haitian border Research Paper
Human rights among the dominican democracy and haitian border - Research Paper frameworkImmigration has been a common practice within the human cultures where people move from and into another(prenominal) countries on such grounds as search of employment, as refugees or foundation seekers or even for trade. This has been testify by the frameworks that have been crafted within government structures of different countries to deal with the feature. Governments acknow leadge that on that point exists immigration into or out of these countries either legally or even illegally and thus the need for regulatory frameworks. However, there be world-wide human rights that influence government decisions surrounding immigration and which are generally judge within the international context. Nevertheless, every nation has her foreign policies as decisions that point to the future on accounts of other nations as against her internal decisions. By taking interest in the theme of violations of human rights on the borders of these countries, the summary revolves around understanding the genesis and factors that contribute to the vices. The study intends to put into perspectives the influence of international legislations that govern the rights of the refugees and asylum seekers as well as the internal concerns about the security of the countries due to the influx of refugees and asylum seekers. Moreover, the newspaper will address the rising concerns of the infringement of the human rights of the immigrants as they are subjected into the compulsory detentions against the provisions of the international human rights frameworks for immigrants.... a) Trade rivalry, differences in cultures, race as well as the skill complexion led to the rise in conflicts along the borders between the nations. b) Population pressure and poverty has been the major cause of Haitian to migrate into Dominican Republic. c) The two governments have been slow to address the violations to human rights. d) International community, through such bodies as the UN and UNHCR are slowly taking up the roe to address the violations in Dominican Republic. Chapter 2 Literature review In an analysis of the increased violation of human rights by the Dominicans towards the Haitians a along the border, Cloud noted that migration of persons from Haiti have been gradual and at alarming rates in the past. Harsh stinting times, poverty as well as overpopulation result to too much pressure within the republic of Haiti making the majority of the Haitians to consider crossing over towards the neighboring country of Dominica where the prospects of better living are seen. This informs the concerns on social political stability of the country together with the likelihood of population pressure festering in the Dominican Republic. Moreover, the politicians express concern over exhaustion of the local resources through over ontogenesis by the overpopulation caused by the immigration from Haiti. Mi streatment of the Haitians has therefore been a common thing as informed by racial discrimination and the intention to have the migration into the Dominican Republic discouraged (Cloud, 58-59). Prejudice on racial grounds is a deep-rooted problem within the Dominican Republic where the light-skinned Dominicans perceive the tenebrious skinned Haitians as uncivilized and inferior hence the
Friday, May 10, 2019
Pornography Addiction Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Pornography dependance - Research Paper ExampleAdolescents are to a greater extent plausibly to seduce the ease of access via the lucre and other new technologies, leading to their likelihood to have colony to pornoography. Addiction to pornography is considered a sexual disorder marked by excessive and uncontrollable access to sexually explicit contents or images (Voros 243). With this associated behavior, researchers are interested in investigating the relevant negative impacts of addiction to pornography. Thus, most of the studies pertaining to addiction to pornography have focused on determination the potential risks and only a few of them have explored the linked benefits involved (Doring 1089). There is evidence that the more men watch pornography, the more they categorize and objectify women seeing them as an assemblage of breasts, legs, and buttocks (King 424). According to a recent finding of the researchers from Cambridge University, porn addiction cannot be too far from alcoholism and drug addiction (Mills and Ungoed-Thomas). The study distinctly states that the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of 19 addictive pornography users revealed similarity of brain activity to the government agency that an alcoholics brain might respond to liquor or beer commercials. Dr. Valerie Voon, the head researcher, said, We found greater activity in an area of the brain called the ventral striatum, which is a reward centre, involved in bear upon reward, motivation and pleasure (Mills and Ungoed-Thomas). In a study among adult males in the United States, it was found that Internet pornography users are more likely to have sex with multiple partners, either pay or be paid for sex, have extramarital affairs, and are less likely to use condoms (Wright and Randall 1410). These at around point could be evaluated as risky behaviors that porn may potentially contribute to its users. This study is a remarkable support to an earlier study investigating the expo sure to sexually explicit nett sites and immature sexual attitudes and behaviors (Braun-Courville and Rojas 156). The study surveyed 433 adolescents using an anonymous survey at a health center in New York City. It was found that of the 96 percent of respondents who have access to the Internet, 55.4 percent of them visited sexually explicit web sites. Using logistic regression analysis, the respondents who were exposed to sites with sexually explicit contents are more likely to have multiple lifetime sexual partners, substance abuse and higher sexual permissiveness. Again, the society and non-homogeneous experts can define these as potentially harmful or risky behaviors. In other words, if we found it on the available literature with information containing the potential risk of pornography and addiction to it, a square number of them will provide us the linked risky behaviors and attitudes of the users as potential implications. Porn whitethorn Be Beneficial but Promotes energ iseual Intercourse Commonly, it is not a question that various porn movies are able to showcase how to initiate an actual act of intercourse. This is informative and even technically tuitional especially among inexperienced young viewers. Thus, in a way, porn is technically sex education, but distant the academic treatment of sex education at school, it exactly shows the actual act of sexual intercourse. Sex education is important among adolescents as it is found to produce a remarkably good result. Sex education in school is found to increase
Thursday, May 9, 2019
Whole Foods Financial Recommendation Research Paper
Whole Foods Financial Recommendation - dowerigate Paper ExampleHowever, since then hale foods have been on the rise by achieving a gross profit of 4.9% by the end of 2010. Net profit margins have shown a similar trend as nearly as operating profits. In 2006, the manufacture performed well and recorded 3.63% of net profit margin. However, since then it dropped importantly and reached a low point in 2008 where it recorded a net profit margin of lone(prenominal) 1.43%. Whole foods has since then performed well to reach up to 2.7% in 2010. All favourableness proportionalitys show a similar trend with a downward moving slope till 2008 and a positive settle from there on. Return on equity is a measure of profitability for contri entirelyors of equity capital. ROE helps in determining the firms graze of growth of internet (Besley and Brigham, 2000).Basically, ROE can be computed by dividing the net income by the shareholders equity.ROE dropped from 13.5% in 2006 to 7.6% in 2008. From there on, Whole foods issues preferred stock to invest in the business to recover from the dull patch. ROE for 2009 was 9.77% and it further grew to 10.12% in 2010. Like other profitability indicators, earning per share has been consistent throughout. The year 2006, being a highly profitable for the investors, showed EPS of $1.46. It dipped all the manner to $0.82 in 2008 and then it steadily grew to record $1.45 EPS in 2010. When liquidity is taken into consideration, Whole foods has been parabolic in nature. In 2006, the company had $1.46 to pay off each dollar of topical obligations. Current ratio dropped to 0.85 in 2007 but since then it has shown an upward trend. In 2009, it recorded 0.85 and in the last year it stated $1.45 of current asset to pay off current liabilities. Debt to asset ratio measures the nitty-gritty of debt financing done to modernise a dollar of asset (Levinson 2006). It has shown a consistent rise since 2006 till 2008. In 2006, debt to asset ratio was 31.27% which climbed to 55.54% in 2008. In 2009, when equity was issued, the ratio dropped to 46% and further down to 40% in 2010. akin(predicate) trend was witnessed in Debt to equity. Company initially preferred leverage over equity till 2008 where a huge shift to equity took place. Company give back $748 million of long-term debt in 2009 which could be seen in its improving ratios in 2009-2010. Asset management has been steady for Whole foods. Inventory turnover rate measures the rate at which your inventory circles in a year (Ehrhardt& Brigham 2004). It is an indicator of whether the company holds large amount of inventory or not. The turnover rate has oscillated between 22 times in a year to 27.5 times since 2006. In 2007 the inventory turned over 22.88 times in a year. The rate dropped to 24.89 in 2008 but since then it has increased to 25.86 times in 2009 and 27.84 times in 2010 which shows controlled sales and less overplus inventory. TREND For whole foods, the past 5 years have shown a parabolic trend. Since sales flitter greatly with consumer buying habits and state of the economy, Whole foods has struggled in this regard. Recession and certain acquisitions have taken whole foods to bite the dust till 2008. But since then it has started to prosper all over again. Sales grew by 17.5% from 2006 to 2007 however, the increase did not show up as profitable as expected in the earnings. mellow interest payments nullified all penny earned in 2007. In the year 2008, the sales grew but eventually yielding lower profit margins due to high discounted sales caused by recession. Food industry works on low margins and it was struck immensely by recession. In the year 2009, when Whole foods paid back majority of their long term debt, it was time to show better results at year end. The earnings grew parallel to the sales. Year 2010, was marked highly lucrative for the company with growth
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Visual Rhetoric of 'One Water Film Documentary' Essay
Visual blandishment of One Water Film Documentary - Essay ExampleWhile the visual scenes and the verbal accompaniments present urine as physiologically and spiritually significant, the depletion, improper use, and poor development of the commodity spells a crisis that needs urgent attention. On the whole, the documentary employs one of the most innovative cinematic--visual and verbal--strategies to reach a wider view and attract an appeal to its thematic significance. It opens with the scenes of several people coming together in front of screens to watch awareness-raising movie on the impressiveness of water system conservation and how safe-drinking water is crucial (Travis 2). In this Scenario, the cinematic visual expression sets the psychological demo for the viewer to significantly open up to the following scenes. It captures and captivates the audience attention (Dwyer 1).In other scenarios filmed in different countries, the scenes indicating the differences of clear crystal clean water to dripping in some taps in a country and intending over-exploited dirty water in other countries show the differences in how water is a commodity in some regions and a human right in others (Dwyer 1). This is gain increase by the narrators exposition that while water is misused in affluent quarters, it is struggled for in other places (Travis 2) Moreover, at that place are scenes where images on how people use or misuse water which further deals with the dilemma of water in development as well as disease acquisition. Some scenes show human populations using various public water points for bathing, going for calls, as well as drinking. Besides, there are scenes where various other pollutants and thrown into water bodies, all which shocks the audience (Travis 2).Over-exploitation of water is additionally depicted in other scenes showing the dried out lands bordering the over-exploited Colorado River, which has changed the water movement path (Dwyer 2). The statistic al figures showing the urgency with which the death tendency of children in relation to the availability of water in the create world vis-a-vis the developed nations shows that water crises need to be addressed urgently. It reveals a lack of accord that many people across the world need to know that usage of polluted water should non be the rule, but the exception (Garcia 1). In an Indian Desert, Rajasthan, a woman and her child are shown carrying water pots crossing a seemingly dry lake, and a picture of winds transmitting salt onto some country land. This ushers the notions of the extent to which agricultural productivity is enormously affected by lack of water. In Kenya and indeed the spotless Sub-Saharan Africa, the picture of how unsafe water causes Malaria, diarrhea and other water born diseases introduces the viewer on the relationship of severity between water and disease micro-bills (Garcia 2). Indeed, the visual images that illustrate poverty and diseases unfold in va rious countries as the movie progresses (Dwyer 3). The picture of Indian women carrying pots and fetching water from hand pumps is one such. because there a scenes indicating that the use of under ground water, leads to sickness, as ground water deficits are characterized with arsenous anhydride seepage into wells. What is more, there are scenes showing women walking and crossing through and muddy and sewage-full streams while attempt to protect that precious commodity that
Tuesday, May 7, 2019
Marketing case study ( Fox's Biscuites) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words
Marketing case study ( crucifys Biscuites) - Essay ExampleFoxs Biscuits was founded by Michael Spedding during the year 1853 by opening up a small shop for confectionary items in Batley. Apart from a factory in Batley, the organisation also has two factories situated within the UK. oneness is in Staffordshire and the other is situated near Blackpool. The distribution centre of the organisation is located in Uttoxeter (Staffordshire News topics Ltd, 2011). The long-run goal of Foxs Biscuits is to evolve as the most pioneering, indulgent and ingenious cookies. The most notable products of Foxs Biscuits are Echo, Rocky, Classic and Creations. Foxs Biscuits is better known as the equivalent word for quality because the company employs the silk hat inputs for manufacturing the biscuits and feeding its customers with quality food items. Not only the company procures the best raw materials and processes them through the best machines but also it utilises the skills and expertise of q uality personnel (Foxs, 2011).The aim of this paper is to design marketing be after for making the Foxs Biscuits more popular in the UK market. The plan will be designed through analysing the macro and micro environment affecting business operations of Foxs Biscuits and also by critically analysing the current market position of the company. 2. Analysis through Significant Macro and Micro Environmental Factors The biscuit industry in the UK has kept on festering since the last five years depicting a rate of market increase up to a level of 22 percent. The industry has been forecasted to expand further in the future years with a gain of 15 percent according to Mintels market research (Mintel Oxygen Reports, 2011). High prospect of harvest in overall biscuit industry in the UK also suggests high level of competition to defy among the market players within this industry. In this competitive market, it is essential for the companies including Foxs Biscuits to keep across-the-board surmount about the industry scenario so as to react instantaneously to the demands of the market with competitive products. Thus, for gathering comprehensive knowledge about the present market scenario and for evaluating the companys potentiality to make itself compatible with the market, pestis and SWOT analysis will be performed in this segment. 2.1 Macro Environment Analysis- PEST Analysis governmental Factors The government of the UK has depicted concerned behaviour over the health of its nations people in coincidence to obesity. The growth in the UK biscuit industry is as a result of the less certain nature of the people in matters related to consumption of snacks inclusive of biscuits items. For countering to this, the UK government had even introduced stricter norms in relation to marketing practices of the snacks manufacturing companies. The move was aimed towards initiating the snacks manufacturing companies towards production of healthier food items. Thus, with regar d to these facts about the political factors surrounding the biscuit industry in the UK, it is required by Foxs Biscuits that it concentrates heavily upon the manufacturing of more healthy biscuits along with maintenance of expected crunchy and appetizing tastes. This way, the company can not only adhere to the political issues directing biscuit manufacturing process but also
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